Story of Space

“Story of Space” is a mesmerizing play written by Saurabh Nayyar and expertly directed by Avneesh Mishra and Saurabh Nayyar themselves. This thought-provoking production takes audiences on a compelling journey through the depths of human emotions and the exploration of space—both physical and emotional.

With masterful storytelling, “Story of Space” delves into the intricacies of relationships, unearthing hidden desires, and challenging societal norms. The play unfolds with a blend of captivating dialogues, powerful performances, and a compelling narrative that keeps audiences engaged from start to finish.

Through the skilled direction of Avneesh Mishra and Saurabh Nayyar, the play beautifully captures the essence of the characters, their conflicts, and their journeys of self-discovery. The performances are layered and nuanced, bringing to life the complex emotions and dilemmas faced by the characters.