Theatre Acting – Differences You Will Observe Before and After Joining Theatre Group

Feel the difference with Rangshila

When an actor performs on stage, they portray someone else. They take on a new persona and inhabit a character that is different from their own. It is a transformation that is both physical and psychological. And it is one that does not happen overnight. Joining a theatre group is a commitment that will change you as a person, both on and off the stage. Here are some of the differences you will observe before and after joining a theatre group.

Before: You Were Nervous Just Thinking About Performing
The thought of performing in front of an audience used to fill you with anxiety. Just thinking about it made your palms sweat and your heart race. But now, after having been a part of numerous productions, the thought of performing doesn’t phase you anymore. In fact, you actually enjoy it. You’ve come to realise that performing is just another opportunity to tell a story and that there’s nothing to be nervous about.

After: You’ve Found Your Confidence
When you first joined the theatre group, you were shy and lacked confidence. But after spending months (or even years) working with the same group of people, you’ve come out of your shell and found your confidence. You know your fellow actors well and they know you, which has helped you feel more comfortable in your own skin. You no longer hesitate to speak up or share your ideas because you know that your fellow actors respect you and value your opinion. As a result, you’ve become a confident performer who isn’t afraid to take risks.

Before: You Didn’t Know How to Read A Script
When you first started acting, reading a script was like reading another language. There were all these unfamiliar terms and symbols that made absolutely no sense to you. But now, after having read countless scripts, you’ve come to understand how they work. You know how to break down a scene and identify the beats within it. You also know how to analyze a character and figure out their motivation. In short, reading scripts has become second nature to you.

After: You’ve Mastered the Art of Memorization
One of the most important skills an actor can have is the ability to memorise lines quickly and efficiently. And luckily for you, this is something that comes naturally to you now. After having memorised countless lines over the years, you’ve developed tricks and techniques that help you commit lines to memory quickly and easily. Whether it’s using mnemonic devices or saying your lines out loud while walking around, you always find a way to get those lines memorised so that you can focus on the performance itself instead of worrying about forgetting your lines.

Before joining a theatre group, you may not have given much thought to how plays are rehearsed. Once you’re part of the group, though, you’ll quickly learn that rehearsals are vital to putting on a successful show. Rehearsals give the actors an opportunity to learn their lines, blocking (i.e., stage directions), and cues. They also provide a chance for the cast and crew to work out any kinks in the production so that everything runs smoothly on opening night. Rehearsals can be long and gruelling, but they’re absolutely essential to putting on a good show.

If you’ve never auditioned for a play before, you’re in for a treat. The audition process can be nerve-wracking, but it’s also a lot of fun. At an audition, you’ll get to show off your acting chops and impress the director with your talent. Auditions are also a great opportunity to meet other actors who may be up for parts in the same production. Who knows? You might just make some new friends in the process.

Joining a theatre group is a life-changing experience that will teach you many things—confidence, resilience, patience—that will also benefit you in other areas of your life. It’s an experience that requires time and dedication, but it’s one that is ultimately very rewarding. So if you’re thinking about joining a theatre group, we say go for it! It may be just what you need to help yourself blossom into the confident individual you never knew you could be!